3.6 Prices of magical items

This chapter will describe how the price of magical items is calculated. Please note that much of the information in this chapter was initially compiled and collected by Ironbeard. I have rewritten it quite a bit to better fit with the rest of the guide and newer findings.

3.6.1 Formulas

The price of a magical item is affected by three elements: the base effect of a prefix/suffix, the quality effect of a prefix/suffix, and the item's base cost multiplied by the prefix/suffix intrinsic multiplier. On staves with spells there is an additional factor added to the item's base cost which depends on the spell type and number of charges. The formulas for calculating the price of all magical items are given below.

All magical items except staves with spells:
C = Bp + Bs + Qp + Qs + I·(Mp + Ms)   if Mp + Ms >= 0
C = Bp + Bs + Qp + Qs + I/(Mp + Ms)   if Mp + Ms < 0
Staves with spells:
C = Bp + Qp + (I + H·P) · Mp       if Mp >= 0
C = Bp + Qp + (I + H·P) / Mp       if Mp < 0
C = Total cost
Bp = Base prefix effect
Bs = Base suffix effect
Qp = Quality effect of the prefix
Qs = Quality effect of the suffix
I = Cost of base item
H = Number of charges on staff
P = Spell multiplier
Mp = Prefix intrinsic multiplier
Ms = Suffix intrinsic multiplier

Some prefixes/suffixes, like speed or the ages, do not have the Q to affect the price, and in such cases the price formulas would be simplified to:

All magical items except staves with spells:
C = Bp + Bs + I·(Mp + Ms)   if Mp + Ms >= 0
C = Bp + Bs + I/(Mp + Ms)   if Mp + Ms < 0
Staves with spells:
C = Bp + (I + H·P) · Mp   if Mp >= 0
C = Bp + (I + H·P) / Mp   if Mp < 0

Cursed and semi-cursed items

The lower formulas (if Mp + Ms <0 or Mp < 0) only come into play when you have a prefix/suffix with a negative multiplier. Only cursed prefixes and suffixes have that. However, one suffix, of corruption, although being a cursed one, has a positive multiplier. On the other hand, it has a negative base suffix effect. For items that are all cursed, the sum is always negative. For semi cursed items, that is, those that have one cursed and one non cursed prefix and suffix, one has to first calculate the sum of the two multipliers to see which formula to use.

The quality effect, Q

Let's look into the somewhat trickier part, the Q thing. Some prefixes/suffixes have different levels of quality. For example, the suffix vigor can have an attribute boost on vitality ranging from 16 to 20 points. Or, the prefix massive can boost a weapon's damage from 96% to 110%. This has an effect on the cost.

Let's use the prefix massive as an example here. The lowest level of quality of that prefix is when it gives a weapon a damage boost of 96%. At that point, the prefix has the base effect B of 2000 and what is more, at that base level of quality, the prefix has no quality effect Q on the item's price. If we take the highest quality (110%), we will have a quality effect Q of 450 on the price. Putting it together we can see that the B + Q can range from 2000 (the base B value) to 2450 (the max value). Subtracting 2000 from 2450 we get 450, which is the quality range of the prefix, we shall call it R (range).

Now, how about the different quality levels in between the base and the max values? Starting from the base at 96% we go on to 97%, 98%,… until we reach the max Q value at 110%. And we took 14 steps to get there (110 - 96 = 14). The quality level on the first step (97%) is 1/14 or 0.071428. On the second step it is 2/14 or 0.142857 and so on until on the last step (at 110%) it is 14/14 or 1. The Q can now be counted with the values we have:

Q = L/S · R
L = Location or quality level
S = Total number of steps in the prefix/suffix
R = Range of the quality effect (Max - Base)

One important note here: When counting the value of L/S and you get something like 0.071428 or 0.777777 (7/9) you take into account only two digits after the decimal, meaning that in the first case we would have the L/S to yield 0.07 and in the second case 0.77. Alternatively one can use the formula below in which case the rounding is done automatically:

Q = [ { [ (100·(Stat - MinStat)) / (MaxStat - MinStat) ] · (Max - Base) } / 100 ]

Unidentified magical item

An unidentified magical item has a price as given below.

All magical items except staves with spells:
C = I  
Staves with spells:
C = I + H·P  

3.6.2 Additional notes on the prices

On any armor or helm, the actual armor class has no effect on the price, i.e. full plate (AC 74) of ages has the same price as full plate (AC 69) of ages. In the prefixes like Warrior's and king's which give weapons a boost both to the To Hit and damage, the To Hit does not affect the price, only the damage quality level has an effect on the price.

For items that are not cursed or semi cursed (or rather Mp + Ms > 0), one can calculate the price of an item having both a prefix and a suffix as two separate items, one having the prefix and one having the suffix, and simply add the prices together.

You can sell items to Griswold and Adria for one fourth of the item's price. Wirt's price is 150% times Griswold's price in Diablo and 75% times Griswold's price in Hellfire. Some items can be sold by both Griswold and Wirt and identical items can thus have different prices depending on where you bought it. Items found in dungeons always have Griswold prices. Any item bought at Wirt will have its price reset to the normal one, 100% of Griswold's price, as soon as you start a new game, give it away, or leave it on the ground and go to another dungeon level or town.

You can't sell an item at Griswold if you will be given more gold for it than can fit in your inventory. At Adria, however, any excess gold will simply be discarded.

3.6.3 Recharge cost

Staves can be recharged at Adria (or by a Sorcerer, see chapter 2.4). The cost to recharge a staff can be calculated using the formula below:

RcC = FRcC · (1 - CurCha/MaxCha)
RcC = Recharge Cost
FRcC = Full Recharge Cost (see below)
MaxDur = Maximum charges on item
CurDur = Current charges on item

The Full Recharge Cost in the formula above can be calculated with:

FRcC = 0.50 · (I + 5·P) if unique or starting staff of the Sorcerer
FRcC = 0.50 · (I + H·P + 5·P) if not unique and not starting staff of the Sorcerer
FRcC = Full Recharge Cost
I = Cost of base item (always a staff).
H = Number of charges on staff.
P = The spell multiplier.

If the recharge cost is less than 1 gold (can happen if the ratio CurDur/MaxDur is less than 1%), Adria will actually recharge the staff for free, that is 0 gold.

Just as with the price of magical items, when counting the value of CurCha/MaxCha you take into account only two digits after the decimal. Alternatively one can use the formula below in which case the rounding is done automatically:

RcC = [ [ { [ (100·(MaxCha - CurCha)) / MaxCha ] · (I + H·P + 5·P) } / 100 ] / 2 ]